10 Reasons to Sponsor the Adirondack Balloon Festival

Photo Credit: JASON HUPE
- For 50 years we’ve been bringing families together for a wonderful weekend of fun – ALL FREE due to our generous sponsors and supporters like you!!
- We are one of the last FREE balloon festivals in the US and we are the 3rd largest! You don’t have to pay to park, get on the grounds, talk to the balloonists or fly a kite!
- This festival attracts over 150,000 folks to the area every year which is great for the economy, both now and in the long run as many come back year after year!
- Through the years, the event has drawn international exposure for the Glens Falls region with relationships with cities like Saga, Japan, and Gatineau, Quebec.
- Our event traditionally draws balloonists from across the United States but also internationally based pilots as well.
- We have been named one of the Top 100 events in North America and have received accolades from the Weather Channel, Food Network, and media coverage including Associated Press articles, the New York Times, QVC, Amtrak, etc.
- The festival is a not-for-profit organization, which is very rare for an event of its size and stature. No paid staff! Funding for the event is raised by volunteers and the event would not be possible without the tremendous community support we receive.
- The 11th Annual Zonta Craft Fair will host over 50 vendors and the funds raised are used for local scholarships and service projects, inc. breast cancer prevention & education. Priority is given to locally based not-for-profit organizations, like the Lions Club, VWF, Masons, Rotary, Open Door, Children’s Museum, etc, to be our vendors so the proceeds are reinvested in our local community.
- Priority us given to locally based not-for-profit organizations, (like Lions Club, VWF, Masons, Rotary, Open Door, Children’s Museum, etc.), to be our vendors so the proceeds are reinvested in our local community.
- In between the balloon flights, these visitors need to eat, drink, shop, play, and sleep, so everyone benefits from the huge influx of visitors.
Be a part of it all and help us keep the festival free! Call us for more information on how to become a corporate sponsor, a balloon sponsor, an exhibitor, or an advertiser, or just donate to a good cause! Adirondack Balloon Festival – PO Box 883 Glens Falls, NY 12801 518-926-0727.